How to Start a Money Earning Blog For Beginners

How to Start Earning from Blogging Step by Step:
Are you wondering if it’s worth starting a blog in this day and age? Does blogging still bring in a good income? These questions might be on your mind, and I’ve been in your shoes about five years ago. Today, I’m a full-time blogger earning over ten thousand dollars a month on average. I’m here to share with you what works in the blogging world today and provide a step-by-step guide on how to start earning from your blog.

The Benefits of Blogging

Before we dive into the steps, let me highlight the benefits of starting a blog:

  • Low Business Expenses: Blogging is a business with minimal expenses, making it one of the highest return on investment (ROI) ventures you can imagine.
  • Work from Home: You can run your blog from the comfort of your home, allowing you to control your schedule, even if you have family commitments.

Now, let’s get started with the first step.

Step 1: Monetization Strategies

1.1. Affiliate Marketing

When you’re just starting a blog, one of the quickest ways to generate income is through affiliate marketing. Instead of immediately applying for Google AdSense, which may not be worthwhile with low traffic, consider promoting affiliate products within your niche. Here are some affiliate networks to consider:

  • Impact
  • CJ Affiliates
  • ShareASale
  • RewardStyle
  • ClickBank
  • PartnerStack
Monetization Strategies

Your choice of affiliate network should align with your niche. For example, RewardStyle is great for fashion and home decor bloggers, while PartnerStack is ideal for software reviews.

Affiliate marketing can be lucrative, with generous commissions ranging from 30% to 85%, particularly for digital products like eBooks and online courses. Even with limited traffic, you can earn your first thousand dollars by promoting high-commission products.

1.2. Display Ads

While affiliate marketing should be your initial focus, display ads can still be a part of your monetization strategy. Apply for ad networks like Ezoic or Monumetric when you have around 10,000 monthly sessions. These networks often require you to join Google AdSense as well, which is advisable when your blog is new to avoid potential issues in the future.

Once your site reaches 20,000 monthly sessions, consider applying to She Media Network. At 50,000 monthly sessions, you can apply for Mediavine, a premium ad management company that offers significantly higher earnings than AdSense.

Remember that a substantial portion of your audience should come from the United States to be accepted by Mediavine. Pinterest traffic, popular in the U.S., can be valuable for achieving this requirement.

1.3. Selling Your Services

As you grow your blog’s audience, consider offering your services to generate income. Reach out to established bloggers or YouTubers and offer services such as content writing, editing, or virtual assistance. Your blog can also serve as a platform to promote various services, from voiceovers to graphic design.

Selling services can be a significant source of income in your blog’s early stages, providing you with the opportunity to work from home while marketing your skills.

1.4. Selling Your Own Products

To truly maximize your income potential, consider selling your own digital products. These can include eBooks, printable files, templates, or courses. Selling digital products often results in a high return on investment, especially if your blog has built a strong audience.

Remember that many bloggers delay creating their own products, but it’s a fantastic way to increase your earnings and establish yourself as an expert in your niche.

Step 2: Choose Your Blog’s Niche

When it comes to starting a blog, selecting the right niche is crucial for achieving success. But what exactly is a niche? A niche is simply the topic or subject matter your blog will focus on. It’s important to choose a niche that you are passionate about, but it’s equally important to choose a niche that can potentially be profitable.

To determine which niches are currently the most profitable for blogging, it’s important to do your research. One way to start is by analysing popular blogs in various niches and analyzing their success. Look at the topics they cover and the engagement they receive from their audience. This can give you an idea of what’s currently popular and what people are interested in reading about.

You can also use keyword research tools to see which topics are being searched for the most. This can give you insight into what people are actively looking for and what topics are in demand. Additionally, researching your competition can help you understand what niches are already saturated and which have room for growth.

Once you’ve narrowed down your niche options, it’s important to consider the profitability potential of each one. While it’s not always a guarantee, some niches tend to be more profitable than others. For example, niches related to health and wellness, personal finance, and technology tend to be quite lucrative. However, it’s important to remember that profitability can vary greatly depending on your specific approach and the quality of your content.

In summary, selecting the right niche is crucial for the success of your blog. By researching and understanding which niches are currently the most profitable, you can increase your chances of creating a successful and profitable blog. Remember to choose a niche that you are passionate about but also one that has the potential to be profitable. With the right approach and dedication, you can turn your blog into a thriving business.

Blog Niches With High Traffic and low KD

Download Top 20 Neches With High Traffic and Low KD for Beginners Here.

Step 3: Choose Your Domain Name

our blog’s domain name is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when starting your blog. It’s your unique online identity, and it’s what people will type into their web browsers to find your content.

Here are some tips for choosing a blog domain name that is short, memorable, and easy to spell:

  • Keep it short. A shorter domain name is easier to remember and type, and it’s less likely to be misspelt. Aim for a domain name that is 15 characters or less.
  • Use keywords. Including relevant keywords in your domain name can help people find your blog when they search for those keywords online. For example, if you blog about fashion, you could use keywords like “fashion,” “style,” or “clothing” in your domain name.
  • Target your area. If you have a local blog, you may want to consider including your city or state in your domain name. This can help people in your area find your blog when they search for local businesses or services.
  • Avoid numbers and hyphens. Numbers and hyphens can make your domain name difficult to remember and type. If possible, try to choose a domain name that doesn’t include any numbers or hyphens.
  • Choose a .com domain. .com is the most popular and trusted domain extension, so it’s a good idea to choose a .com domain for your blog if possible. If your desired .com domain name is unavailable, you may want to consider other popular domain extensions, such as .net, .org, or .info.

Here are some additional tips for choosing a blog domain name that represents your brand and niche effectively:

  • Be straightforward. Avoid using ambiguous or confusing domain names. Your domain name should be easy for people to understand and remember.
  • Be unique. Choose a domain name that is unique and stands out from other blogs in your niche.
  • Be brandable. Your domain name should be something that you can build a brand around. It should be memorable and easy to pronounce.

Once you’ve chosen a few potential domain names, it’s important to check to see if they are available. You can use a domain name registrar such as GoDaddy or Namecheap.

Step 4: Set Up Your Blog

Choosing a Content Management System (CMS)

A content management system (CMS) is a software platform that makes it easy to create and manage a website or blog. WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world, and it’s a great choice for bloggers of all levels of experience. It’s easy to use and highly customizable, and there are thousands of free and premium themes and plugins available to extend its functionality.

Choosing a Hosting Provider

A hosting provider is a company that stores your website’s files and makes them accessible to visitors. Bluehost is a reliable hosting provider with affordable plans and an easy-to-use interface. It’s also a WordPress-recommended host, so you can be sure that your blog will be compatible with their platform.

Setting Up Your Blog with WordPress and Bluehost

Once you’ve chosen WordPress as your CMS and Bluehost as your hosting provider, you can start setting up your blog. Bluehost offers a one-click installation process for WordPress, so it’s easy to get started.

Here are the steps involved:

  1. Go to and click the “Get Started Now” button.
  2. Choose a hosting plan that meets your needs.
  3. Register your domain name or transfer an existing domain name to Bluehost.
  4. Create a Bluehost account.
  5. Install WordPress with one click.
  6. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and start customizing your blog.

Customizing Your Blog

Once you’ve installed WordPress, you can customise your blog to match your brand and style. You can choose a theme, add plugins, and create pages and posts.

Here are some tips for customizing your blog:

  • Choosing a responsive theme will look good on all devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Add plugins to extend the functionality of your blog, such as social media integration, contact forms, and SEO optimization.
  • Create pages to introduce yourself to your readers, share your contact information, and promote your products or services.
  • Write blog posts that are informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience.


Setting up a blog with WordPress and Bluehost is a relatively easy process. With a little effort, you can have a fully functional blog up and running quickly.

Step 5: Design Your Blog

Yes. Your blog’s appearance and speed depend on your WordPress theme. A well-designed theme will make your blog look professional and appealing to visitors, while a fast-loading theme will ensure that your blog pages load quickly and provide a good user experience.

Here are a few WordPress themes that are known for their speed and responsiveness:

  • Astra is a lightweight and fast-loading theme that is easy to customize. It is also compatible with all major page builders, such as Elementor and Visual Composer.
  • Sniff is a responsive theme that is designed for speed. It comes with various features to help you improve your blog’s performance, such as lazy loading images and minification of CSS and JavaScript files.
  • OceanWP is a versatile theme that is suitable for a variety of websites, including blogs. It is also fast-loading and responsive.
  • GeneratePress is a premium theme that is known for its speed and performance. It is also highly customizable and comes with various features to help you create a professional-looking blog.

If you are looking for a premium theme, I recommend GeneratePress. It is a great investment for bloggers serious about their website’s performance.

blog responsive design

Here are some tips for choosing a WordPress theme:

  • Make sure the theme is compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
  • Choose a responsive theme so that it will look good on all devices.
  • Consider using a theme that is designed for speed.
  • Choose a theme that is easy to customize and has the desired features.
  • If you are serious about your blog’s performance, consider investing in a premium theme.

Once you have chosen a theme, you can install it on your WordPress blog and start customizing it to match your brand and style.

Step 6: Drive Traffic to Your Blog

To attract visitors to your blog, focus on one traffic source at a time, at least initially. Pinterest, Google SEO, and YouTube are excellent options, but the best platform to start with depends on your niche and content.

Pinterest can provide quick traffic spikes, Google SEO offers stability, and YouTube is a great platform for ranking videos high in search results.
We Already teach step-by-step guidance about how to get traffic from social networks [Read Here]

Step 7: Start Your Blog

Finally, don’t hesitate any longer. If you want to start a blog, take the plunge and begin your journey. You’ll learn and adapt along the way.

If you found this information helpful, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe for more blogging tips, and click on the bell icon to receive notifications when I publish new videos. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Now you have a clear roadmap to start your blogging journey and work towards your first thousand dollars with your blog. Remember that the key to success is taking that first step and staying committed to your blog’s growth.

For additional information on profitable blogging niches, check out this video to help you choose the right direction for your blog. I wish you all the best in your blogging adventure!

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